Iz Hrvatskog autokluba upozoravaju na poteškoće u prometu zbog olujnog vjetra na cestama u priobalju te zbog snijega u Gorskom kotaru i Lici.
This article announces a dangerous weather situation in Croatia.
Main Idea: A heavy snowstorm is affecting Lika, while a powerful storm with winds up to 185 km/h is threatening the coastal regions, prompting a red weather alert ("Pripremite se na udare i do 185 km/h" meaning "Prepare for gusts up to 185 km/h").
This article announces a dangerous weather situation in Croatia. Main Idea: A heavy snowstorm is affecting Lika, while a powerful storm with winds up to 185 km/h is threatening the coastal regions, prompting a red weather alert ("Pripremite se na udare i do 185 km/h" meaning "Prepare for gusts up to 185 km/h").